Making mistakes is an important part of any process. When you make mistakes you learn from them and your work therefore increasingly improves. To make mistakes faster means that you are constantly trialing and asking for feedback from peers or professionals and learning what is right and wrong.
This point is very important to the design process as it is all constant trials and errors which we go through and make decisions to make the final product. In multimedia design, mistakes are part of the natural design process and therefore to make mistakes faster it will aid your knowledge and help you develop your own personal style much quicker. Also the quicker you make mistakes the more time there is for more mistakes which will help develop your knowledge further.
An area where I have found this particularly helpful is at work. As I work at a lolly shop there is much to learn from bagging lollies to serving customers. I made many mistakes and the bosses were more than happy to help in the first few days. Having made that many mistakes I learnt from them each time, carefully trying to remember them so that I didn’t repeat them again.
41. Laugh. People visiting the studio often comment on how much we laugh. Since I've become aware of this, I use it as a barometer of how comfortably we are expressing ourselves.Laughter is a common social platform. It doesn’t matter what age you are or what your first language is it is a way of communicating.
I think this strategy is important as when you are doing your work in order to bring out your best work you should feel comfortable and be able to explore different things. When you are having fun (and laughter is an indicator of this) you are able to present your best work. Industries have realized the importance of laughter and have implemented it in their workplaces and in their advertisements. An example of this is the Laugh for a Cure scheme which is present in hospitals at the moment as professionals have linked laughing to some patients recovering at a more rapid pace. This particular approach is good especially for design as a person is more likely to remember a particular brand or animation if it has a quirky element of humor.
When we set a goal we work towards gaining it so whatever the process it should lead to the desired outcome. I think this strategy is important because we certainly learn more during the process, and the outcome is a result of the process. The process creates the outcome.
The outcome doesn’t just happen there is always a process behind it. Every decision that is made happens for a reason. Through the process you make many decisions for many reasons. When you are deciding on the decisions you learn what is acceptable and what things are more important than the others for the particular task.
This approach will help my work in many ways. If I follow this statement then I will experiment more and let the process decide on the outcome. I won’t think of a particular outcome and then try to construct it instead more mistakes and more trial and errors will lead me to a much more thoroughly constructed and thought out product.
An example of this is my career path. I don’t know what my desired occupation is yet, so I decided when it came to choosing my preferences that I will choose something that I feel I am good at and more importantly what I enjoy. So I choose multimedia design. I don’t know where this course will take me I only know that if I follow things that I succeed in and like then I will gain the outcome that I desire.
Hannah :)